This is not a political commentary.
We are living in difficult times. There seems to be endless controversy and catastrophe each week. The Black Lives Matter and #metoo movements, the shootings in Vegas, then Florida, terrorism, and immigration reform; the only thing we all can seem to agree on is that something must change.
So-called "experts," write thousands of social media articles that convincingly spell out the path to fix the world. I agree and disagree with many different schools of thought. "What has bothered me the most is the continued narrative that the world is doomed because anyone who disagrees with the outspoken is undoubtedly an idiot. We live in a culture of dishonor. A culture of, I can say anything I choose and call it truth, then it will become truth; I'm just gonna say it. LIES!!!
The word "narrative" has been tossed around on every news program lately. It got me thinking: what does “narrative” really mean??
*narrative (NOUN) a spoken or written account of events; a story.
Wow! So, a narrative is someone's account of events, a story. We have all played the game telephone at some point. If you haven't, it goes like this. The first person whispers a word in their neighbor's ear, and each person passes the word down to the next, whispering in their neighbor's ear until the last person says what they heard out loud. It is almost unrecognizable from what the first person said. For example, "plaid dress" turns into "platypus." I use this childish example because, hopefully, we have no emotional attachment to this, so we might actually hear the truth. One individual's account of an event can be VERY different from the person who was standing right next to them, at the very same event! Why?
It's because we hear and see life through the filter of our experiences. Especially our wounds and successes! Even though a narrative may not be the exact truth, we believe it because we feel a powerful connection to it. Our experiences say, "Yes! That is truth."
Resulting in an enormous arcing spectrum of truth. Hmmm... Can it really all be the truth?
I don't think so.
They have discovered that if they can make you feel emotionally connected to their opinion or narrative you will embrace it as TRUTH… even if it is a blatant lie.
There was a show on TV when I was a kid called The Wonder Years. Oh my goodness!! This show grabbed ahold of my generation! I have thought about this and honestly believe it was because of the narrator. His voice was warm and common. He shared all of Kevin's (the main character) most intimate thoughts and feelings like a trusted confidant. You found yourself in the characters. There was Winnie and Paul, and it was a beautiful all-American (white suburban) backdrop. A great coming-of-age story if white suburbia was your experience. If not, you probably didn't like the show as much.
It's all about relatability.
Narrative is so powerful. So much so that the Bible warned us about it. You know the verse. Thou shall not tell stories. Haha! Ok, so that's not how the Bible puts it. It does, however, say a lot about the tongue. James chapter 3 will make even the quietest person take account of their words. Read the entire chapter for context.
"vs.5 The tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. vs.6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one's life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell." James 3:5-6
(Insert scared stiff emoji here.) Haha… I'm not kidding. I'm terrified! Who, if any, are not guilty of this struggle?!?! What James is saying is the words we speak are powerful! The "narrative" we tell is powerful! Clearly, the press knows this! Words are their expertise. They have discovered that if they can make you feel emotionally connected to or guilt you with their opinion or narrative, you will embrace it as TRUTH… even if it is a blatant lie.
They can manipulate you and ultimately control the collective mindset. Don't believe me? Turn on CNN, then Fox News, and get both accounts of the same news story.
Be careful what and who you listen to!
1st- does it line up with the only infallible truth? The word of God. If you do not believe the Bible is the truth, this step may not feel applicable to you. I urge you! Search the scriptures yourself. Find a bible teacher so you can ask questions. Know for yourself what the book says. I believe you will find answers. God can handle your unbelief! He loves you. Seek. Knock.
*infallible: Incapable of making mistakes or being wrong. Never failing; always effective.
2nd- Ask yourself when you hear something, and your emotions get all stirred up. (consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark). Is it even true?! What are the beliefs of this narrator? Does this agree with my wounds?! Am I being baited by the enemy's schemes?! Am I pouring gasoline on a small spark?! As John Bevere would say, "Don't take the bait!!!" People of God! We must be continually reading the word of God so that our minds can be washed by the word and transformed into the likeness of Christ. We must learn to see the world and hear it through the filter of truth. The word. The Holy Bible. The beautiful true story, told by an infallible narrator. God's plan is to rescue us from our broken selves and restore us to wholeness and a healthy relationship with our Father in heaven through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, his only son, and by the empowerment of His Holy Spirit. This isn't based on a true story. This is the true story.
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," declares the Lord. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts higher than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9
Here is a glimpse of some of my filters. I grew up in a house where my father would pull out the radio on Martin Luther King's birthday, and we would listen to his speech "I Have a Dream" on public radio. I grew up in a house where I was raised to love the broken and to help the less fortunate. As I listened to Dr. Martin Luther King deliver one of the most famous lines of his speech, "Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty we are free at last!" I find myself welling up with tears and wondering, Where is THAT heart? Why does it sit so uneasily with me as our nation cries out for justice? I'm a justice person; I love justice!!! I think it's because I hear so many spouting hate and murder in the name of "equality," "justice," and "solidarity." Claiming they want freedom, liberty, and justice for all, but with a heart of revenge. My heart feels sick every time I hear that corrupt narrative.
And then I heard it so clearly, in my heart, as the Holy Spirit spoke to me, "Freedom without forgiveness is still captivity!" Let that sink in.
My heart mourns for our nation. Everyone blames one another. The common narrative has been "them against us" or "you or me." God's narrative is, "All have fallen short of the glory of God and are in need of a savior." We need one another! That is precisely the key to healing so much of the controversy. Jesus brings forgiveness. It releases you (sets you free) to love without fear. Forgiveness heals the deep broken places that justice and revenge cannot touch. I challenge you to think about these things and read the word of God. To spend time hearing Him. Then, do what He says. Forgive so that you can be forgiven.
I need this! Don't you?
Let's get back to the current events that started all of these thoughts. The struggle isn't new. The pain isn't new. The lie is most definitely NOT new. Dr. Martin Luther King's famous speech
"I have a dream" spoke of this struggle, and in his final sermon the day before he was killed, he said, "We've got some difficult days ahead. But it really doesn't matter with me now, because I've been to the mountaintop… and He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over, and I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight that we, as a people, will get to the promised land."
Your story is SO powerful and important! What will you allow to shape your narrative? What lies have you believed? Who do you need to release in forgiveness?!? Our opinions must be submitted and filtered through the one truth—the infallible narrator.
Who will you allow to tell your story?
Be looking for a follow-up piece on Your Story.
God's peace and blessings! Please leave a comment below and subscribe. I am also so happy to pray for you; message me.
Yesssss!!! This is so GOOD! “Freedom without forgiveness is still captivity 👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽