I heard somewhere, “We will not change until the pain of staying the same, is worse then the pain of changing.” We want to know what’s going to happen! Nothing could be more true!! Think of all the funny and/or humiliating things you've done in your life to avoid or deny change.
People for ages have always tried to ease this pain of transition or change, in many ways. Procrastination. Denial. Avoidance. Even going to a psychic to try and find out what to do. We HATE change. Why is it so hard?! The only unchanging thing is that everything in this world is constantly changing! We are born, we grow, we have babies, we grow, and we eventually die. But our seeds live on and bear more seeds, which live on for many years after we are long forgotten.
The very thing I thought was the pinnacle of success is only the tree.
Beautiful, strong, full, and lush.
Not to be devalued or dismissed. It’s a HUGE tree! It took a lifetime, my lifetime, to grow. Without it, a seed could not be. The seed is all about Legacy. Heritage. The next generation.
We need a vision for the future. We can simply grow a tree OR, eventually, a forest.
One kernel of wheat will bear 50 kernels—IF!!! If it is planted and dies, to itself. Its higher value is in death. A seed my parents sowed brought forth my tree, and now I’ve got a pocket full of seeds to sow.
God will use your life’s work to grow 50 times what you have done thus far!
Shew! I am receiving this if you aren't!
I know this is deep stuff—my brain feels completely overloaded as I try to put into words all that God is teaching me!
The tricky thing is that we are creatures of habit. We like to know what to expect and the safety of a routine. We only like a challenge that we are fairly certain will succeed.
At least, this is true for me. We definitely do not like change… even if the same old thing is boring, or draining the life out of you, or even… painful!
“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1
Then it goes on to quote that hippy song by The Birds, “Turn! Turn! Turn!” or maybe it’s the other way around. ;-}
Let’s be honest—change can really stink. But being unwilling to change can keep us from sowing the seeds we’ve been given.
I propose a different perspective. What if we could be open to change? We don’t have to become “pumpkin spice people,” but we could choose to be watchful and prayerful about the seasons of our lives.
What if we decided to “fear not” and “trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding”? What if we approached change with optimism—maybe even excitement?
Often, the negative feelings we have about change aren’t really about the change itself—they’re about sadness. The last season was sweet, and we wish it could be an endless summer.
Other times (and I’m just going to say it!) it’s plain old fear and selfishness. We want to hoard our seeds:
“I’m happy with how things are!”
“I worked hard for this!”
“What if I run out? What if there’s not enough?”
“This is all I know!”
“I’ve done my shift. I’m done! I just want to relax. I have nothing else to bring to the table.”
Hmm… I’m not sure where that kind of thinking fits into scripture.
I want to challenge you, apathy and complacency are not the same as contentment!
Rest is incredibly important! Taking time to regroup, be hidden, seek the Lord, and wait on Him are all essential practices. They leave you rejuvenated and ready to step back out.
But when we stop being willing to challenge ourselves and stop growing, we begin to dwindle—not immediately, but it doesn’t take long. It’s a proven truth: if you’re not growing and challenging yourself, you’ll begin to diminish—mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and even physically. Before you know it, depression sets in.
I want to challenge you, apathy and complacency are not the same as contentment.
If you’re unhappy, ask yourself:
Is this a gratitude issue?
Or is it time to sow again?
Is it time to die to something so that new life can spring forth?
There is so much more inside you!
You plant a "dead" seed; soon there is a flourishing plant. There is no visual likeness between seed and plant. You could never guess what a tomato would look like by looking at a tomato seed. What we plant in the soil and what grows out of it don't look anything alike. 1 Corinthians 15:36-37 MSG
For me, I had worked very hard for many years to get where I was. In many ways, it was my dream come to pass.
But here’s the thing: we often believe we’ll work toward a goal, achieve it, and then just live there forever. I’ve got news for you—God is always growing you and the people around you!
We were not designed to stop learning, creating, dreaming, or being stretched.
Even if you’re 85 years old, you are still commanded to be fruitful—spiritually. 😉
I tend to bite off more than I can chew. I once had a furniture store (that I made 50% of the product for), I was running a worship department, part time and I started homeschooling the same year. My mouth was full! Like that game “chubby bunny”.
Once I released my music dream to God, I felt a strong conviction to hold it with an open hand, so to speak. So, when I began to sense the Lord asking me to step into something new and different, I was excited!
But almost immediately, I started trying to figure out how I could go with God on this new adventure and continue running a worship department at the same time. Classic me—I tend to bite off more than I can chew.
I opened a furniture store (where I made 50% of the products), started homeschooling, and continued running a worship department part-time—all in the same year. My life felt like a round of “chubby bunny” with my mouth completely stuffed. I was plain delusional!
God, in His faithfulness, got me through that year, but wow—I learned a thing or two.
We cannot thrive in our new season with one foot in the old season. Quit trying to fit into those old jeans! We cannot sow seeds if we only use them for ourselves. Do not eat seeds that were meant to be sown. You will eventually run out and become unhealthy.
Seriously, test God on this. Give yourself completely to the new season the Lord is calling you into. And DO IT WITH INTEGRITY!!!
What if we left the old season with honor and integrity? You cannot control anyone but yourself, but the way something ends matters. The way we move on can define our character and our next season.
Instead of going out the back door like a coward or sneaking out as though you are guilty of something. What if we looked our boss, pastor, or friend in the eye and said,
"Thank you; my time here has been so valuable! It’s time for me to move on to something new. I would love to share with you what God has planted in my heart. I would love your blessing!"
If you can’t do that, it may be worth asking yourself if you’re holding on to offenses. If this resonates, I highly recommend reading The Bait of Satan by John Bevere. It’s a book that will challenge you and change your life.
For me, this process took over two years. I spent that time reading, praying, and having countless conversations with my pastor, husband, and mentors about next steps. I did everything within my limited power to finish well.
That meant completing my commitments, working hard every day until my last day—and then some. I chose to walk in peace throughout the process, even when things felt scary or uncertain. Not every day was a success, but I’ve learned that patience, humility, and leaning into Jesus when I feel lost are absolutely key.
Let me be honest: none of this comes naturally to me. I am not the most patient person, and I haven’t always run to Jesus with my mess. This has been a journey filled with ups and downs. Saying “yes” to God’s question, “Who will go for us?” has been terrifying at times!
Sacrifices have been made by my church, my family, and me personally. I’ve had to ask for forgiveness when I’ve blown it. But integrity has allowed me to move forward with blessing, peace, and joy.
I love my church and my pastors. If I hadn’t acted with integrity, I could have lost my beloved church family. Thank you, Jesus, for godly leadership that walks with you through season changes!
Final Thoughts:
There’s so much more to say, but I can’t fit it all into one blog.
Everything up to now has prepared you for what’s next. You’ve got a pocket full of seeds.
Where will you sow them in your new season?
You are free to change—without fear—with God by your side.